Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The first ride of the year!

I can't believe that today was nice enough for a ride!! There were some really strange circumstances around the ride today and you can head on over to the other blog for the whole story, but as a teaser I'll tell you the ride wasn't planned and it wasn't even on my own bike! I rode 1.1 miles by myself today...it was HARD. Lots of wind. I am sooooo out of shape!! But I am claiming a victory b/c we're not even 6 weeks into 2009 and I've already got a jump on logging miles! It's not even riding season! Dave rode his bike to work today too...I should really get him logging his miles on here...I just edited the blog title a little. I'm not really sure if I want to come right out and make our goal 150 or 200....or just leave it as 'more than' last year...At this rate, I hope we can get to 200! I think everyone should log their miles and come back here to brag about it! Hopefully this post will motivate you guys! Get outside today =)

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