Thursday, May 26, 2011

16 tons

Since the weather is still in the late winter/early spring stage (yes, we are less than a week away from JUNE!), I couldn't bring myself to stand the elements today and decided that if I was going to get a run in, it would have to be at the Y.  No sun on my face there.  =(  I wasn't looking forward to it, but lots of people have been so encouraging and I just had to go.  I had to.  My body cannot be at a state of rest any longer and I don't want it to forget what to do!!  I set this goal for 2011 of running a 5K in under 30 minutes and I will not give up!!!  So.  "Treadmill."  (I talked to it before I got there!)  "I plan to chew you up and spit you out today!  We are going to be doing 3 miles, even if I have to walk.  You got that?!"  (I'm not very nice to the treadmill, although I probably should be.  I just wanted to be clear who was going to be boss today!)

I ran.  I walked.  I ran.  I walked.  I kept the speed up higher than usual, I sweat more than usual, and I tried not to obsess over the distance/time numbers.

Not only did I manage to do over 3 miles....BUT I BEAT MY LAST 5K TIME!!!  Ok, it was only by about 30 seconds, but
Yes, I am overly proud of myself, yes I am celebrating, yes I am bragging, yes I am still slow, yes I am going to go again tomorrow, yes I can, yes you can too!!!  

I went 3.12 miles in 35 minutes and 7 seconds!!!

My total miles so far: 61.11

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